Twenty-one Weeks

Monday, September 16, 2013
Well, this week has gone really well - we got to see McBaby at her 20 week anatomy scan Wednesday and she's getting so big! She was wiggling around and kept putting her hands over her face, so we have to go back in a few weeks to check on her again and make sure everything is growing the way it's supposed to. Hopefully we get some good pictures at that one of her little face - hopefully she'll be a bit less shy this time.

How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 5 pounds this month, but I'm still officially at -10 for the pregnancy!
Maternity clothes? I caved and bought a few more maternity shirts this week. They're just so much more flattering than my other ones - now that I have a real bump (not just a chubby belly) I'm proud to show it off haha.
Sleep: Pretty well, but I'm starting to get sore if I lay in one position for too long.
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little girl again at her anatomy scan!
Worst Symptom this Week: I have a bit of back pain, but I've been avoiding tasks that make it hurt (i.e., Mike does all the heavy lifting now!)
Buy anything for the nursery? A few more sleepers arrived in the mail and I'm starting to acquire her "going home outfit," which I plan to frame along with a photo and her hospital bracelet.
Miss Anything? I don't miss anything right now - So happy!

Movement: FINALLY!! I've started to feel her tumbling around and kicking a bit, mostly in the mornings but she's starting to get busy in the afternoon too. I can't wait until Mike can feel her, it's going to be so awesome.
Baby is the size of a: Banana, in length. (She's already growing too fast for me to handle emotionally)
Food cravings: Still cheese - specifically, string cheese (seriously, this whole pregnancy) and Cabot White Extra Sharp Cheddar with Whole Grain Wheat Thins. NOM!
Anything making you queasy or sick: No, I think I'm good. Still can't look at raw chicken or beef, but I've conquered everything else.
How pregnant do you feel right now? I love my little growing bump right now. I know in a few months I'll look back at myself and think "Ugh, so tiny" because I'm fully anticipate turning into a whale by Christmas.
Predictions for Baby's attributes: Well, if her early kicks are any indication, she may inherit her mama's soccer skills.
Bump Nickname: I've begun trying out our top names on her, just to see how they work. I think we've found it but it won't be "social media official" until she's born.
Belly Button in or out? Still in and no longer stretching. Seems the rest of my belly caught up with it.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy, happy, happy. And still a little terrified that I'm growing a human being, for which we will be responsible for at least the next 18 years. OMG.
Looking forward to: A busy, busy fall season! I can't wait for the fall weather to catch up with the calendar date - I have so many cute pregnant-lady outfits to pair with boots while my calves still fit in them!


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