Blair has had a wordsplosion this month - she is yammering on all day long, pointing at everything and asking us "ohhh, waz dees?" The house will never be quiet again.
Weight: 24.0 pounds
Height: 31.25 inches
Sleeping: She's been going through a growth spurt (finally!) and has been pretty solid with 2 hour naps, usually between 12pm and 2pm. She's also pretty consistently sleeping 10 to 11 hours at night. Except for 3 nights in Colorado when she woke up screaming bloody murder for at least an hour each night. That was
super fun.
Sleepy eye rubs! |
Eating: Still going strong on the whole vegetable strike business. She will destroy mama's homemade pizza though, so that always makes a girl feel good! I need to start taking more photos of her eating.
Favorite things
Reading books - Some her top favorites right now are First 100 Words, Elmo's Farm Animals, Numbers Colors Shapes, and The 10 Little Ladybugs.
She loves pointing to the words she knows - "bawl, peesh, cuk, shews" |
Identifying body parts - She will find all the noses, ears, eyes and hair on mama, dada, herself, dolly, Minnie Mouse, dogs... These days, no one is safe from getting a tiny finger up their nose.
She will ruin a great photo moment by sticking her finger up her nose. |
"Nohz!" |
"Euuuuuars" |
Drawing with chalk - she throws hysterical fits when it's time to put the chalk bag away and go inside. See also, tantrums over being told not to eat the chalk.
Least Favorite Things: Rules and sitting still for more than 10 seconds.
This is the look I get on the regular for saying "No, ma'am. No, thank you." |
Up and down the stairs without a care. She doesn't even need my help anymore, just walks right down them! |
Notable Events
Blair's 12-month dresses, footie PJs and t-shirts are just now starting to get a little short. 18M shirts are still too long, and 12M pants still fit. Still rocking the size 4 diaper, but I did just buy a box of 5's to see if they fit well enough for her to wear at night. Her growth has plateaued so much this year that she's still wearing clothes that fit on her birthday and we'll be reusing a bunch of winter stuff for early fall. Even her shoe size is pretty much the same! While it's nice to not have to spend money on a growing kid, I'm kind of getting bored with her wardrobe... but her hair is so much longer now and it goes into the CUTEST pigtails, so that makes up for it haha.
Wispy baby curls are the best.things.ever. |
Her personality has just exploded this month. She's so much more confident on the playground meeting other kids and her word count is growing steadily. She is a fearless adventurer - she's always running like the wind, poking something on the ground, handing me rocks, throwing balls and jumping around. She is so curious and it is so fun to watch her mind work out new information. She's also very stubborn and we hear "nu nu nu nu!" a lot, but she really is a great, well-behaved kid.
Tries to remove any hair accessories unless I distract her |
Always running. |
- New words! "Ohh, waz diis?" (Oh, what's this?), "Cuk" (cup), "ahl goh" (all gone!), "shews" (shoes), "hai" (Hi! with a little wave and a smile), "jup jup!" (jump jump)
- Learned that "one" comes before her favorite number "two" and counts thing by saying "one, two, two, two..."
- Says "tank you" all the time; after you give her a snack, a toy, a kiss, or (my favorite) when I lay her down in her crib at night.
- Second trip to Colorado and went to the top of Pike's Peak!
The front yard is full of adventures |
She thinks she's hilarious. |
"Ohh, waz diis?" |
"Yaaay!" |
Those eyelashes! |
Eyes that sparkle and shine. <3 |
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