This little free spirit is officially closer to three years old than two. Where all this time went, I have no idea, but two-and-three-quarters has brought some interesting developments - her inquisitive mind examines the world around her with a fervor for new information, while her strong, independent will seeks to use new knowledge in ways that surprise us everyday. (If there is a nicer way to say "sometimes she's an asshole, but we laugh about it later," someone let me know! haha!)
Ask any parent of a nearly-threenager and they'll tell you - it's not a picnic. In the three months since her last Quarterly Update, she's chomped her bestie on the school playground, caused several children to miss nap-time due to loud antics, and had a "not listening" streak a mile long when teachers attempted to round her stubborn ass up on the playground. She's at the very frustrating stage in her life when asserting independence and being compliant are in constant flux - and honestly, we're just sort of rolling with it. I'm not the kind of person to get my feathers ruffled over some age-appropriate behavior. Except the biting. She "wrote" her gal-pal a sorry note and (knock on wood) we haven't had any vampire-inspired issues since.
All incident reports and jokes aside, Blair is a kind, sweet, gentle person 97% of the time. She is an incredibly smart, funny, caring, young lady, and how we got so lucky to be her parents is beyond my comprehension. I live for the evenings when I wrap her in my arms on the couch as she fiddles with her blankie tag and nuzzles into my shoulder. I love her little squeal "Mama!" when I walk in her classroom to pick her up, and how she's always telling us that "tomorrow is Tuesday," no matter what day of the week it happens to be. She truly lights up our world.
Well, this got sappy really quickly, so before I turn into a puddle of tears, I should probably start the update.
Weight: 28lbs, 8oz
Height: 34.75 inches
Favorite Things
Beauty and the Beast
Remember three months ago when I said her least favorite thing was sharing the television with Daddy and I wondered why we didn't have a second one? Well, one long story involving a lightning strike later, we're up one boobtube! One of her favorite things to do on the weekends (that we're not traveling) is snuggle in bed and watch a movie. She is currently hooked on Beauty and the Beast and says Belle's name with an adorable Southern accent - "Bay-elle."
Dance Class
Two of her little friends from school are in her ballet class, as well as a friend from the summer session, so she's a huge fan of dance class now. They've graduated to a few new activities, like a conga line and freeze dancing, and she just loves it. She asks me every day "Do we have dance class tomorrow?" and unless it's Sunday, I have to disappoint her.
(no audio, it's through the lobby window)
Girl after my own heart. She is obsessed with cheeseburgers. I think we took her to Five Guys one too many times or something because she will ask for a cheeseburger anytime you solicit her opinion on a dinner option. She will just plow right into them too, it's impressive.
Least Favorite Things
Leaving any playground
Girlfriend is a slide fanatic. Don't attempt to remove her from the playground unless you're ready for a fight.
Adorably Mis-Pronounced Words
- "Bis ah Holly" (Ben & Holly's Little Kingdom show on Nick Jr.)
- "TJ Max" (PJ Masks)
- "Hop-pah" and "Kiwi" (her little friends at school)
- "donaht" (it's like she has a Boston accent when she says donut, I don't know how it happened)
(this section may need to be replaced by something else soon - she's been getting so good at pronunciation!)
- Potty-trained! She only wears a diaper at night and a pull-up during road trips. She's been doing so well, she will pee in public bathrooms, tell us when she needs to do her business, and is always super proud of her "number two's." (Sorry Blair, I hope your friends don't find this blog in thirteen years. Don't worry if they do, though, they poop too!)
- Moved up to Preschool 3 classroom at school.
- Can count to 10 in both English and Spanish! She knows more English numbers, but she can't get all the way to 20 just yet. Her alphabet is pretty on-point now too, but "G H I J" trip her up a bit still.
- She knows a million words and uses them in ways that surprise me every day. "Ew, disgusting" almost made me fall over.
- She has been to the mountains and the beach in the past 6 weeks and loves to talk about them. I know traveling constantly with a toddler sounds exhausting (and it can be!) but the rewards are incredible - she learns so much every time we go somewhere and I hope we can continue to challenge her with new environments and visits!
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