Nashville War Memorial

Saturday, August 20, 2016

I found myself in a bit of a funk with my photography lately, stuck in a toddler-only-photos rut, so I took a few minutes one cloudy afternoon and wandered through the Nashville War Memorial. Located right across the Legislative Plaza from my office building near the Capitol, it's a beautiful 1925 Greek Doric-style monument honoring Tennesseans that served in World War 1. It is now an music venue, of course, and concerts are regularly played in its auditorium.

The front of the building features the State seal above a quote by Woodrow Wilson from the 1917 declaration of World War I: "America is privileged to spend her blood and her might for the principles that gave her birth and happiness and the peace which she has treasured." Nestled within the columns are heavy, ornate doors, offset by a gorgeous blue tile ceiling that takes my breath away every time I look up. 

In the center atrium stands a statue titled "Victory," holding Nike in the palm of his hand. Along the back wall of the courtyard are several large plaques, bearing the names of the 3,400 Tennesseans that perished in the first World War. I even found a couple of McClanahans, although we're not sure if he's actually related to them.


On the way out the back of the Memorial, rain starting to pick up again, I snapped a few shots of the Capitol. I've only been in Tennessee for four years, but every time I look at the Capitol I feel a mixture of pride and awe. Pride in the work that I do as a state employee, but also awe at the unique history of this city. That, and I'm a sucker for a glorious old building - you should hear me fawn over the National Mall in my former residence of Washington, D.C. *wink* 


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