Our little baby is growing so fast! I can't believe 16 months have flown by since we first met. Life is certainly crazier and more colorful, but I wouldn't trade it for all the quiet nights and lazy weekends in the world.
But just, like, ONE quiet night or lazy weekend would be super awesome.

Weight: 22lbs 9ounces
Height: 29.75 inches
Sizes: Mostly 12M rompers, some pairs of shorts from last year, and 18M separates because I think/hope she'll be taller by the end of the summer. #shortbabyproblems
Nicknames: She calls herself "Bea" and Baby. I call her Chicken Nugget and "AHH! GET DOWN FROM THERE!"
Sleeping: Still mostly sleeping through the night - minus the occasional nightmare or tooth coming in - and she's down to one nap in the middle of the day! Sometimes she falls asleep right where she's sitting. Because the toddler life is hard work, man.
Sleeping: Still mostly sleeping through the night - minus the occasional nightmare or tooth coming in - and she's down to one nap in the middle of the day! Sometimes she falls asleep right where she's sitting. Because the toddler life is hard work, man.
Favorite Things: Running. It doesn't really matter where, she just wants to go as fast as her little legs will carry her, stop on a dime and try not to fall over.
Baby Crossfit. We take lots of wagon rides around the neighborhood and afterwards she will work out her toddler aggression by pushing the wagon up the front yard hill.
Playing with the iPad. Whether it's Fruit Ninja, Peekaboo Barn or the BabyFirst TV app, homegirl knows her way around technology. She's also super vain and adores taking photos and videos of herself and then watching them over and over again. My Photostream is full of cheeky selfies.
Mickey Mouse. That mouse and his clubhouse are like baby crack. She can be losing her mind about something and all it takes is his squeaky voice saying "hey hey everybody" and she's ready to party.
DANCING. When I say that this child likes to dance, it's total understatement. She hears any noise that even sounds like music and she's rocking her little hips and throwing her hands in the air like she just don't care. Because she doesn't. She will dance anywhere - near the shrub speakers at the outdoor mall, an airport terminal, the doctor's office, the living room, her crib, the car seat... Sometimes she busts a move without any reason or music - she's got a rhythm in her soul and it escapes in the form of adorable head-banging and arm flailing.
Least Favorite Things: Being told "no." She wants to climb on ALL THE THINGS, eat rocks, throw toys off the deck and launch her vegetables across the room. And if I try to cramp her style, this is then look I get. Straight up sass.
Broccoli. She used to love it and now she will literally put it in her mouth, make a face like I'm trying to poison her, pull it out and throw it in disgust. *insert my unamused face here*
Being strapped into the car seat. This is typical of most mobile toddlers, but damn it's annoying. She's cool once she's IN the seat, but the actual act of strapping her in is like a scene out a Bond movie where the villain is torturing someone. I, of course, am the villain.
Notable Events: First time at the beach, first swims in a pool! (More on this trip coming in a post next week!)
- Uses a couple words with consistency, in context: Mama, Dada, baby, and "cheers!", which is punctuated by her emphatically banging her sippy cup into your glass. She also holds anything up to her ear and says "Hiiiiiiya?!" and it's the cutest thing ever.
- Points to her nose or ears when I ask her where they are, will get her paci and blanket and stand at her bedroom door when she's tired.
- Starting to mimic sounds and words A LOT, but especially "woof woof" and anytime someone grunts in her presence. I really need to start a swear jar soon!
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