I cannot get over how quickly time has flown by. Blair is already a month old and I'm a big old mess about it. My little nugget is growing up WAY too fast for me to process.
Can't you stay tiny forever?!
Obviously, I'll be doing monthly updates on B's growth, milestones, and (of course!) photos.
Weight: 9lbs 7ounces
Height: 21 inches
Sizes: We are right in on the cusp of growing out of Newborn sizes. Even though she's chubby enough for the 0-3 month sizes, she's still just a little shortstack and everything is too long on her. We're also in between diapers too, the Newborns are just a bit snug, while the Size 1's are very big. She's blowing poops out of both sizes, resulting in lots of fun laundry for mama!
Nicknames: Nugget, Blair Bear, Snugglebug, Little Chicken. She makes these hilarious squawking noises randomly throughout the day that sounds like a chicken in the house. Her hiccups also sound like a rooster!
She's such a little bug! Look at those tiny toes! ADORABLE. |
Sleeping: I don't know how we got so lucky, but she slept in two 4-hour stretches after her first week home and then progressed to 6 consecutive hours and then 7 hours. She has been sleeping for 8 straight hours at night since 3 weeks and we are still amazed. Little Lady sleeps swaddled in a sleep sack, in the newborn napper of the pack-n-play with a cool mist humidifier nearby for white noise and to help with congestion. The humidifier is a lifesaver, I'm so glad I picked one up before she was born! We are going to start transitioning her to the crib next week, here's hoping everything goes smoothly!
Sleeping on Mama |
Sleeping on her daddy |
Sleeps in her carseat in the stroller |
Eating: ALL THE THINGS. Girlfriend is chowing down on a 3-4oz bottle every 2.5-3 hours during the day. I was pumping breast milk for the first 3.5 weeks of her life, but since she never latched on, my body just couldn't regulate how much she needed. My supply tanked last week and I convinced myself to pack up the pump and move on. We're now 100% on formula (much to the chagrin of our bank account) and she is thriving - no mommy guilt here, we are doing what's best for both of us.
Sometimes we eat like this! |
Favorite Things: She is such a happy baby (most of the time) and she just loves so many things! She
adores getting her diaper changed (weirdo), her bouncy seat, swing, playmat and being in one of our many baby carriers - Lalabu, Ergobaby and K'Tan. She is in love with the ceiling fans in our living room, master bedroom and the nursery - we constantly catch her flirting with them. She also enjoys looking over our shoulders at the colorful books on our shelves in the living room. The birdies on her bouncy seat and swing keep her occupied for several minutes at a time and they often get more smiles and happy grunts than either Mike or I! Lastly, she LOVES taking a bath - she's a water bug that enjoys a nice warm soak.
Loves her changing table <3 |
Loves her play mat! |
The rare Not Crying Face during Tummy Time |
LOVES the Jingle Turtle! |
Lalabu! |
ErgoBaby! |
Hey birdies! |
Least Favorite Things: She HATES tummy time when I put her on the playmat, but will tolerate it if she's on our chests. She absolutely despises being buckled into her carseat and attempts to hulk out of it until she falls asleep. God forbid anyone not feed her on time or pay attention to her cues, because this little miss also hates being hungry. She will not let up until she gets a bottle in her mouth! She used to hate having her arms swaddled, but when she began startling herself awake at night, I started swaddling them and now she's pretty used to it. She sleeps better with them tucked in too!
Super sad face. |
Notable Events: Blair predicted that the Broncos would win the Super Bowl and was quite disappointed when they choked. We celebrated Valentine's Day with lots of kisses on those chunky little cheeks and watched some of the Winter Olympics. Spring training began and Mike has been telling her all about the Braves and what she can expect for this season - I foresee many evenings of snuggles on the couch watching baseball in their future!
- Her umbilical cord stump fell off at 3 weeks.
- Everything was a first because it was her first month! First walks outside, first encounter with the doggies, first visit to City Hall, first blowout poop on mama AND on daddy, first projectile vomit, first real bath, first trip to Chipotle/WalMart/Liquor store, first time at the park...
- She is juuuust now starting to smile. Usually smiles manifest a bit later, but we've definitely caught some grins, especially for strangers and inanimate objects (insert mama's sad face here).
- She went from being a very quiet little newborn to a vocal infant, incorporating a variety of grunts, excited gasping, loud breathing, snores, snorts, clucks and quacks into her repertoire. I can't wait to hear what her little laugh will sound like.
My parents, sisters and brother-in-law are all coming into town this week/weekend to meet her. I CAN'T WAIT and I'm sure I'll have another blog post about their visit. Blair is going to just LOVE her aunties and uncle - she's storing up lots of snuggles for them!! Okay, here are a few more photos to cap off the post :)
2 weeks old! |
Being the Christmas Story kid |
Such a lady! |
First walk in the park! |
Chillin' with her paci and her "boombox" |
At the park in Franklin with Daddy! |
One month old, smiley, sweet girl. MAMA LOVES YOU! |
I would "like" this post, but I guess that's not an option on blogger. She's too cute! :) Glad everything is going so well.