"I take you to be my spouse, my friend, my love, and my lifelong companion. To share my life with yours. To build our dreams together, to support you through times of trouble and rejoice with you in times of happiness. To treat you with respect, love and loyalty through all the trials and triumphs of our lives together, and to give you all the love I can give my whole life long."
Thirty-five Weeks
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Being this pregnant at Christmas is pretty bittersweet, I love being able to stay home to relax and not worry about traveling, but I really miss being home. I can't believe it, but at 26 years old, this will be my first Christmas away from my parents and next year will be our first Christmas as parents ourselves. I can't wait for McBaby to experience the traditions, wonder and joy of the holiday that my parents provided to us at Christmas... *sniff sniff*
Thirty-four Weeks
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Someone call Punxsutawney Phil, because I've only got 6 more weeks of pregnancy left!
Thirty-three weeks
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
This weekly update is going to be short and sweet because letsbehonest last week was a freaking novel. I'm still wiped out from covering events this weekend for the newspaper - Mike had a a two-day rededication and reopening ceremony at the Airport and then I had to take pictures of a nighttime Christmas parade and a 40-Christmas tree display at the Courthouse. My poor, achy, pregnant feet back body.
Thirty-two Weeks
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Whew, what a week! We started off in Clifton on Saturday morning and drove to Nashville for our last baby class - Infant Care. Mike learned how to change a diaper, clean the umbilical cord/belly button, and was practically a professional swaddler. He was very proud of his ability to wrap the baby doll (which he nicknamed Lil' Doug) into a little burrito. We'll see how well he does with a live infant, but I think he's going to be okay!
We left Nashville and made our way across Tennessee and into Virginia, stopping in Fairfax to meet up with my mom at the Mason Inn. We spent Sunday morning with her at our favorite breakfast spot, Eggspectations, and drove past all our old hangouts. We were pretty lazy in the afternoon and then went to the movie theater near our former apartment to see the Hunger Games! After that we got some pizza and crashed in the hotel while watching football.
Thirty-one Weeks
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Another week has flown by and I cannot believe we only have 9 weeks left. I'm officially in nesting mode, getting the rest of the nursery finished and making mental lists of everything I need to do around the house before this little one makes her appearance. So many things to do, so little time!
Thirty weeks
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Soo, the gestation period for human beings is 40 weeks and I've got 30 weeks under my (now invisible) belt. Only 10 more weeks to go and I think my brain just exploded knowing that in two short months, I'm going to be holding our little girl in my arms. Holy To-Do List, Batman.
It seems like 29 & 30 weeks were filled with doctor's appointments, which means that Mike and I have now mastered our drive to the hospital. I met with a cardiologist on Thursday and long-story-short, he thinks my heart troubles are simply pregnancy-related, given the 30-40% increase in bloodflow through my ticker.
Murphlanaroux Family Vacation 2013: Steamboat Springs, CO
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Well, since I've been told to take it easy, I'm finally going to write a post that isn't baby-related! Can you believe it?! I know, I'm a little surprised too. Sit back and relax, this post is FULL of photos.
Anyway, I've had lots of couch time to start going through months of unedited photos, starting with our annual Murphlanaroulx family vacation. This year's destination was Steamboat Springs, Colorado! Mike and I were there for a few days because of his work schedule, so most of my photos are of the nature all around our amazing 60+ acre compound rental. We hiked, took a ski lift up to the top of Thunderhead Mountain, explored the town and spent nights gathered around a campfire watching shooting stars.
Twenty-nine Weeks: Already giving me heart problems
Tuesday, November 12, 2013
First of all, McBaby is doing wonderful and is totally fine, but honestly, I could write a book about this week and the longest chapter would be entitled "Did you know you have a heart murmur?" Friday night I noticed that my chest was starting to hurt in conjunction with me taking deep breaths. I noticed this as Mike and I strolled around Target and also while watching Thor in theaters (although, it may have been Chris Hemsworth taking my breath away there... amiright, ladies!?)
Twenty-eight weeks
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
Here's to another week! I can't believe it's already November, time is just absolutely flying by, this baby is going to be here in no time!
Total weight gain/loss: Weighed myself this week and it's official. I'm at par for the course for this pregnancy with 0lbs gained and 0lbs lost!
Maternity clothes? I'm living in maternity leggings and I just put a bunch of "too short" shirts storage. None of my button up shirts fit anymore either!
Best moment this week: McBaby got the hiccups for the first time on Monday and it was the cutest thing ever.
Worst Symptom this Week: Back hurts, neck hurts, hips hurt. Lil' lady is wearing me out!
Buy anything for the nursery? So many things... good news is, I'm almost completely finished with it.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. Rolling from side to side takes a LOT of effort now.
Maternity clothes? I'm living in maternity leggings and I just put a bunch of "too short" shirts storage. None of my button up shirts fit anymore either!
Best moment this week: McBaby got the hiccups for the first time on Monday and it was the cutest thing ever.
Worst Symptom this Week: Back hurts, neck hurts, hips hurt. Lil' lady is wearing me out!
Buy anything for the nursery? So many things... good news is, I'm almost completely finished with it.
Miss Anything? Sleeping on my belly. Rolling from side to side takes a LOT of effort now.
Twenty-seven weeks
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Happy Third Trimester to me! Well, actually, it would be more accurate if I called it "Uncomfortable Third Trimester to me" because whoa, things be shifting all over the place in there. I can't eat much without my stomach going crazy and she is just as active as ever in there. It's pretty amazing how different things are this week, I'm starting to feel a bit like this in the mornings when my alarm clock goes off:
Twenty-six weeks
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
It's that time of the week again, folks! Week 26 was a turning point, I think, she's getting big enough to start getting in the way of my stomach and she thoroughly enjoys playing soccer with my bladder. It's both weird and exciting to watch my belly move on it's own! The picture is from today, so technically I'm at 27 weeks in it, but I'll take another 27-weeker this weekend for my next update. Have I said that before?
Twenty-five weeks
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Guess what? Only 99 days left in my pregnancy! WHAT?! Crazy, right?! Seriously, where is the time going? Before I know it this baby will be here and I'm gonna be all where did this baby come from?!
Twenty-four Weeks
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
I'm a little late on the post this week but yesterday was super busy! The photo is actually me at exactly 25 weeks, but I'll take another before the 25-week post goes up. Can you believe how big my belly got in one week?! I walked past a mirror at work and literally stopped dead in my tracks like, whoa. Little McBaby is getting bigger and bigger, I can't even believe how fast time is flying by!
Twenty-three Weeks
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Whoa, baby, where did this week go? Seriously, if time is going to go by this fast, I don't know what I'm going to do when this baby is born. She's already growing up too fast!
So this week we're at 23 weeks, one more week left until point-of-viability, which means that if for some (very unexpected) reason I go into labor next week, she has a better chance of pulling through. I know it's a bit morbid to celebrate the point-of-viability milestone, but with all the mamas I've seen lose their little ones between 20 and 23 weeks this past month, I find so much solace in knowing the doctors will soon do everything they can to keep our sweet little girl alive if anything happened.
Okay, on to happier things!
So this week we're at 23 weeks, one more week left until point-of-viability, which means that if for some (very unexpected) reason I go into labor next week, she has a better chance of pulling through. I know it's a bit morbid to celebrate the point-of-viability milestone, but with all the mamas I've seen lose their little ones between 20 and 23 weeks this past month, I find so much solace in knowing the doctors will soon do everything they can to keep our sweet little girl alive if anything happened.
Okay, on to happier things!
Total weight gain/loss: I'm still at -8lbs. Yay me?
Maternity clothes? I bought a few more tops and an experimental pair of maternity jeans. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on clothes I'm going to wear for the next 4 months, but I'm loving the pregnancy look, so I want to flaunt this bump as much as possible before I go back to sucking in my gut ;)
Sleep: More please.
Best moment this week: We got to hang out with some of Mike's family this weekend and his aunt bought our little lady a bunch of really cute clothes - Just seeing tiny little clothes makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Worst Symptom this Week: Are stretch marks a symptom? If so, I'm starting to get them (waaah)
Buy anything for the nursery? The glider arrived and I assembled it with only 2 minor (ha, major) meltdowns. That completes all the major furniture purchases for the nursery!
Maternity clothes? I bought a few more tops and an experimental pair of maternity jeans. I don't want to spend a bunch of money on clothes I'm going to wear for the next 4 months, but I'm loving the pregnancy look, so I want to flaunt this bump as much as possible before I go back to sucking in my gut ;)
Sleep: More please.
Best moment this week: We got to hang out with some of Mike's family this weekend and his aunt bought our little lady a bunch of really cute clothes - Just seeing tiny little clothes makes me all warm and fuzzy inside.
Worst Symptom this Week: Are stretch marks a symptom? If so, I'm starting to get them (waaah)
Buy anything for the nursery? The glider arrived and I assembled it with only 2 minor (ha, major) meltdowns. That completes all the major furniture purchases for the nursery!
Twenty-two Weeks
Monday, September 23, 2013
"I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-twoooo,
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to youuuuu"
I've had Swifty T's song "22" stuck in my head this week, as I've now hit 22 weeks pregnant! Of course, my version of the song would go something like "It feels like the perfect night, to wake up twelve times to pee, make fun of my big belly, oh oh, oh oh" hahaha. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!
How far along? Twenty-twooooo ooh oooh!
Everything will be alright if you keep me next to youuuuu"
I've had Swifty T's song "22" stuck in my head this week, as I've now hit 22 weeks pregnant! Of course, my version of the song would go something like "It feels like the perfect night, to wake up twelve times to pee, make fun of my big belly, oh oh, oh oh" hahaha. I can't believe how quickly time is flying by!
How far along? Twenty-twooooo ooh oooh!
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself this week, but I'd assume that I'm still down at least 8lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? I literally LIVE in my maternity leggings. Whoever invented the full belly panel is my hero - so. freaking. soft.
Sleep: There aren't enough hours in the night for me to sleep as much as I need right now. I think she's on a growth spurt in there!
Best moment this week: Mike was away this weekend for work stuff and we were chatting on the phone last night. I put the phone on speaker and placed it on my (growing) baby belly - the more Mike talked the more baby kicked! It was so funny, it was like she was already telling him to hush up ;)
Worst Symptom this Week: With the amount of stretching that's happening in my abdomen right now, I'm having some crazy round ligament pains - just another excuse to sit on the couch for a few minutes ;)
Maternity clothes? I literally LIVE in my maternity leggings. Whoever invented the full belly panel is my hero - so. freaking. soft.
Sleep: There aren't enough hours in the night for me to sleep as much as I need right now. I think she's on a growth spurt in there!
Best moment this week: Mike was away this weekend for work stuff and we were chatting on the phone last night. I put the phone on speaker and placed it on my (growing) baby belly - the more Mike talked the more baby kicked! It was so funny, it was like she was already telling him to hush up ;)
Worst Symptom this Week: With the amount of stretching that's happening in my abdomen right now, I'm having some crazy round ligament pains - just another excuse to sit on the couch for a few minutes ;)
Twenty-one Weeks
Monday, September 16, 2013
Well, this week has gone really well - we got to see McBaby at her 20 week anatomy scan Wednesday and she's getting so big! She was wiggling around and kept putting her hands over her face, so we have to go back in a few weeks to check on her again and make sure everything is growing the way it's supposed to. Hopefully we get some good pictures at that one of her little face - hopefully she'll be a bit less shy this time.
How far along? 21 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: I gained 5 pounds this month, but I'm still officially at -10 for the pregnancy!
Maternity clothes? I caved and bought a few more maternity shirts this week. They're just so much more flattering than my other ones - now that I have a real bump (not just a chubby belly) I'm proud to show it off haha.
Sleep: Pretty well, but I'm starting to get sore if I lay in one position for too long.
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little girl again at her anatomy scan!
Worst Symptom this Week: I have a bit of back pain, but I've been avoiding tasks that make it hurt (i.e., Mike does all the heavy lifting now!)
Buy anything for the nursery? A few more sleepers arrived in the mail and I'm starting to acquire her "going home outfit," which I plan to frame along with a photo and her hospital bracelet.
Miss Anything? I don't miss anything right now - So happy!
Maternity clothes? I caved and bought a few more maternity shirts this week. They're just so much more flattering than my other ones - now that I have a real bump (not just a chubby belly) I'm proud to show it off haha.
Sleep: Pretty well, but I'm starting to get sore if I lay in one position for too long.
Best moment this week: Getting to see our little girl again at her anatomy scan!
Worst Symptom this Week: I have a bit of back pain, but I've been avoiding tasks that make it hurt (i.e., Mike does all the heavy lifting now!)
Buy anything for the nursery? A few more sleepers arrived in the mail and I'm starting to acquire her "going home outfit," which I plan to frame along with a photo and her hospital bracelet.
Miss Anything? I don't miss anything right now - So happy!
Twenty Weeks: Half-baked!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Well, another week has passed and I'm back again. We are officially at the halfway point - I cannot believe time has flown by this quickly. Before we know it, she will be here and I'll be obsessively posting pictures of her sleeping every 5 minutes. I'm sure you all just can't wait for that ;)
How far along? 20 weeks down, 20 more to go!
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since my last appointment. I'll guess that I've gained a few pounds this week, but I'll have a more official number after tomorrow.
Maternity clothes? My non-tall, non-maternity shirts are definitely starting to get too short - Mike caught me with my belly peeking out the bottom of a t-shirt on NFL Sunday!
Sleep: A bit better than last week, lots of getting up to pee in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week: Well, we had the Clifton music festival this week and it was exhausting. Our best moment was Sunday - our one day off. We took a 4 hour nap, watched football and lazed around the house before going back to bed at 9pm.
Worst Symptom this Week: I'm back to being really tired. My whole body is just achy and tired all the time, I think baby is going through a growth spurt.
Buy anything for the nursery? Got a few long-sleeve newborn and 0-3 month undershirt onesies with little mitten cuffs for her tiny little hands! SO CUTE.
Nineteen Weeks
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Okay, I promise sooner or later I'll do an update on non-baby-related things, but it just seems like my mind is all baby, all the time these days!
We have been trying to enjoy our happy little pregnancy bubble, no matter how hard outside forces try to bring us down. This week has been really up and down, and although I can't get into the details on the blog, just know that we are, and always will be, committed to doing what's best for our growing little family.
Well, 19 weeks is almost past and I'm almost halfway there. Next milestone is 24 weeks (point of viability) but that's mostly just a milestone for a worry-wart like me. Can't wait to meet this baby girl, but I'm totally okay with her taking her sweet time :)
How far along? Nineteen weeks - one more to go and I'm halfway through!
Total weight gain/loss: I think I've gained a couple of pounds, so I'm guesstimating that I'm still about -15 overall. Not too shabby, considering I'll gain it all back and then some in the coming weeks!
Maternity clothes? No clothes shopping for me lately, but I'm making do with all of my pre-pregnancy pants (still fit wonderfully!) and the bump is covered by my longer t-shirts.
Sleep: Eh, not so great recently (not really baby related though)
Best moment this week: Hanging with my dad and talking about the future. My family has just been amazing the past 2 weeks, I'm so lucky! We also traveled to Atlanta this weekend for Mike's first college football game - Virginia Tech vs. Alabama in the Georgia Dome. It was fun, but exhausting!
Worst Symptom this Week: None, actually. Physically I feel good and my hormones have been really in check this
entire pregnancy. The stress of real life trying to pop my happy pregnancy bubble, however, is giving my well-behaved hormones a run for their money this week.
We have been trying to enjoy our happy little pregnancy bubble, no matter how hard outside forces try to bring us down. This week has been really up and down, and although I can't get into the details on the blog, just know that we are, and always will be, committed to doing what's best for our growing little family.
Well, 19 weeks is almost past and I'm almost halfway there. Next milestone is 24 weeks (point of viability) but that's mostly just a milestone for a worry-wart like me. Can't wait to meet this baby girl, but I'm totally okay with her taking her sweet time :)
How far along? Nineteen weeks - one more to go and I'm halfway through!
Total weight gain/loss: I think I've gained a couple of pounds, so I'm guesstimating that I'm still about -15 overall. Not too shabby, considering I'll gain it all back and then some in the coming weeks!
Maternity clothes? No clothes shopping for me lately, but I'm making do with all of my pre-pregnancy pants (still fit wonderfully!) and the bump is covered by my longer t-shirts.
Sleep: Eh, not so great recently (not really baby related though)
Best moment this week: Hanging with my dad and talking about the future. My family has just been amazing the past 2 weeks, I'm so lucky! We also traveled to Atlanta this weekend for Mike's first college football game - Virginia Tech vs. Alabama in the Georgia Dome. It was fun, but exhausting!
Worst Symptom this Week: None, actually. Physically I feel good and my hormones have been really in check this
entire pregnancy. The stress of real life trying to pop my happy pregnancy bubble, however, is giving my well-behaved hormones a run for their money this week.
Eighteen Weeks
Tuesday, August 27, 2013
Okay, so technically I'm at 19 weeks exactly today, but here's a photo of my bump from last week and my update - expect to see 19 weeks sometime before 20 weeks... hopefully. The picture was taken on the day of our ultrasound to determine if McBaby is a boy or a girl, hence the pink/blue outfit ;)
How far along? Eighteen weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Still down about 17lbs. At this point, I'm not complaining.
Maternity clothes? I only have 2 maternity shirts and the rest of my longer shirts still fit wonderfully. Pants are still going strong, thanks to the weight I've lost.
Sleep: I'm starting to get tired in the afternoons again, around 3:00pm. I may need to begin instituting a nappy time.
Best moment this week: Finding out that McBaby is a GIRL!
Worst Symptom this Week: None actually, this week I'm flying so high I don't feel a thing :)
Buy anything for the nursery? Holy crap yes, Grammie and Mom hooked McBaby up with cute girly outfits and Aunt Ro chipped in to help buy her some bedding. Nursery colors are official: Lavender and Gray.
Miss Anything? I kind of missed being able to drink champagne with Mom and Grammie and Mike this weekend. Sigh, sparkling apple cider for me this year!
Seventeen Weeks
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Ten, Eleven, Twelve Weeks
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Okay, I'm obviously still catching up on the weekly updates - sue me! I think I'll just have to stop trying to take pictures in the same dress and just wear whatever work clothes I throw on that morning. I can't convince myself to get dressed more than once a day... it wastes so much energy.
Early (secret!) Bump Photos
Monday, July 1, 2013
Anyway, here are the ones I've done so far - If you get super annoyed by the constant whining posting, just tell me to get over myself already.
First comes love...
Saturday, June 29, 2013
It's been a whirlwind five years since we returned from our study abroad trip: we navigated the difficulties of long-distance dating, moved to DC/VA together for grad school, got real jobs, got engaged and then married... It's just like that nursery rhyme kids sing teasingly on the playground:
First comes Love:
So, let's bring you all up to date:
First comes Love:
Istanbul, 2008
Then comes Marriage:
Joseph Ambler Inn, 2011
Little McBaby at 8 weeks, 3 days!
Yep, I'm 10 weeks pregnant!
*insert enormous smile and spoonful of ice cream here*
As far as containing our excitement, we have been absolutely bursting to tell everyone, but I wanted to wait until we saw the little one's heartbeat before publicly sharing the news. We had a surprise early ultrasound at our first appointment on Friday, June 14 and got to see our little nugget for the first time! He/She had a wonderful little heartbeat and was only the size of a raspberry!
I started feeling "off" right before Mother's Day weekend, but the early pregnancy test was negative. We went along with our weekend plans, and even told Mike's aunt we weren't pregnant yet when she asked. I started getting nauseous the week after Mother's Day and when my "monthly friend" didn't show up on May 16th, I took another test. It turned positive within SECONDS and I could hardly believe my eyes.
May 16th was also the day after the one-year anniversary of my Poppie's passing. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that as our family began the healing process from the loss of one life, another very tiny life was just beginning. No lie, I sobbed for a good 20 minutes before Mike got home from work. I scrambled to find a sweet and creative way to tell him -- I didn't want to just run up to him screaming and crying like a lunatic (although I'm sure it would have been memorable).
*insert enormous smile and spoonful of ice cream here*
As far as containing our excitement, we have been absolutely bursting to tell everyone, but I wanted to wait until we saw the little one's heartbeat before publicly sharing the news. We had a surprise early ultrasound at our first appointment on Friday, June 14 and got to see our little nugget for the first time! He/She had a wonderful little heartbeat and was only the size of a raspberry!
I started feeling "off" right before Mother's Day weekend, but the early pregnancy test was negative. We went along with our weekend plans, and even told Mike's aunt we weren't pregnant yet when she asked. I started getting nauseous the week after Mother's Day and when my "monthly friend" didn't show up on May 16th, I took another test. It turned positive within SECONDS and I could hardly believe my eyes.
May 16th was also the day after the one-year anniversary of my Poppie's passing. I couldn't help but smile, knowing that as our family began the healing process from the loss of one life, another very tiny life was just beginning. No lie, I sobbed for a good 20 minutes before Mike got home from work. I scrambled to find a sweet and creative way to tell him -- I didn't want to just run up to him screaming and crying like a lunatic (although I'm sure it would have been memorable).
I grabbed a necklace case, popped the positive test in and tied it with a bow. I scrawled Mike's name on a scrap of paper and tucked it into the ribbon. He walked in the door with dinner and I handed it to him nonchalantly, mumbling that it was left on the doorstep and I didn't know what it was.
He was puzzled at first and made a joke that it was a pen or that it might contain anthrax, laughing about that week's developing drama at the City. I laughed and played it off really well. He had trouble opening it (ugh, men!) so I helped him with the ribbon and stepped back to see his face. At first he just kind of stared at it for a second, and then slowly turned to look at me and got a huge smile on his face. Of course, I started bawling again.
So, let's bring you all up to date:
My first several weeks have gone well-- I certainly haven't been lucky enough to escape all-day morning sickness, but I've been nauseous more than throwing up. I can feel myself bloating up (there goes that 10 pounds I lost!) but I feel pretty good considering some of the horror stories I've read about the first trimester. I get super tired around 3:00 everyday and nap when I can. I overexerted myself a few weeks ago on a cleaning rampage and then slept for 11 hours straight, haha.
We told both sets of parents over the phone at almost 6 weeks. It wasn't the way I wanted it to happen, but we just couldn't stop ourselves. Once it was out to one parent, we had to tell the rest! A few days later I told my sisters and a few days after that we called Mike's sister. We told his whole family on Father's Day weekend and let a few friends in on the secret.
I flew to PA to spend some time with my parents this weekend. We had dinner tonight with my grandparents (if you know me, you know that I have several!) to "celebrate Father's Day" and I broke the news to them too! Little McBaby is the first in both of our families -- the first grandchild, first great-grandchild, and on my side, the first great-great-grandchild!
Mike and I are so happy to be expanding our family (although I'm not as happy about my expanding waistline, but it's for a good cause!). We cannot wait to meet our little McClanahan and blog about the ups and downs of this new chapter in our lives.
We told both sets of parents over the phone at almost 6 weeks. It wasn't the way I wanted it to happen, but we just couldn't stop ourselves. Once it was out to one parent, we had to tell the rest! A few days later I told my sisters and a few days after that we called Mike's sister. We told his whole family on Father's Day weekend and let a few friends in on the secret.
I flew to PA to spend some time with my parents this weekend. We had dinner tonight with my grandparents (if you know me, you know that I have several!) to "celebrate Father's Day" and I broke the news to them too! Little McBaby is the first in both of our families -- the first grandchild, first great-grandchild, and on my side, the first great-great-grandchild!
Mike and I are so happy to be expanding our family (although I'm not as happy about my expanding waistline, but it's for a good cause!). We cannot wait to meet our little McClanahan and blog about the ups and downs of this new chapter in our lives.
DIY Solar Mason Jar Lantern
Monday, May 20, 2013
If you attended our wedding (or saw photos) then you know that I'm a little obsessed with lanterns! I wanted solar-powered lighting and I just couldn't justify the price of solar lanterns, so I turned to Pinterest for some ideas. I also cased the local Dollar General and remembered that I live in the South where mason jars are sold year-round and for cheap! So, I came up with a do-it-yourself mason jar lantern using solar garden lights!
Jamaica? No problem, mon!
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Of course, it took Karagh two extra days to get there because Laramie was having a blizzard. Typical. She caught up on her
It's Baseball Time in America!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
This year Mike won the Opening Day Ticket Lottery online, so we had our tickets long before the game and we weren't required to pay a million dollars for them - woohoo! We bought 4 tickets and took Jeff and Tonya with us. The Reds are gearing up to host the All-Star Game in 2015, so we got to the park early to explore some of the million dollar cosmetic changes they made in the offseason.
Tour, Tour of the South(east)
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The SE Regional Conference coincided with the ICMA Young Professionals conference, which Mike attended 3 years ago. So much has changed since his last visit to Asheville -- he went from being a graduate student to a City Manager and he brought his wife along! It's funny, I'm the one that
North meets South: A Weekend in Clifton
Sunday, March 10, 2013
The Grand Ole Opry -- Twice!
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Back in October, Mike took me on a surprise date to the Opry to see Vince Gill and Allison Krauss. I have loved both artists my whole life, growing up under the wing of my bluegrass and country music loving family. I loved to sing along with Vince's classically smooth voice and, I admit, I cried every time I heard the song "Go Rest High (On that Mountain)." We saw him in concert at the Allentown Fairgrounds when I was young, probably around 10, and I developed a huge crush on him... which hasn't exactly gone away! Allison Krauss was a huge inspiration to me, especially in my choir days. Her range and unique sound are nothing short of incredible and I remember listening to her Allison Krauss and Union Station CD on a loop in the basement while Dad worked out.
Quick Update
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Please don't think that I have fallen off the wagon this early in the year! Things have been crazy with moving and Mike dragging me to Georgia and Nashville for the Braves Caravan that I haven't had time to sit down and go through my photos to put here on the blog. I'm hoping to have time tomorrow so you'll get a blog post filled with photos of the Grand Ol' Opry!
Pack, Haul, Unpack . Repeat Until Sore
Thursday, January 17, 2013
![]() |
Photo Credit: http://www.frugalicious.net/posts/view/1723 |
Christmas in Clifton and the Northeast
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Our first Christmas celebration was here in Clifton. The city holds an annual event called A Stroll Through Christmas, which shuts down Main Street and turns it in to a winter wonderland. Storefronts are decorated, lamp posts are adorned with snowflake lights, and the streets are lined with luminaries. This year a giant tree was added to the festive decor, including a tree lighting ceremony to kick off the event.
New Year's Resolution
Thursday, January 3, 2013
As you can all guess, one of my New Year's Resolutions is to be a better blogger. We are planning big things for 2013, and who knows what other adventures will arise, but I will do my best to keep everyone up-to-date on our little lives!
First things first, I re-vamped the site to make it a little easier to read and little less girly. The dandelions weren't really doing it for me, I like this version much better! To start the year, I will be doing a few posts with photos from the last few months. Mike and I went to the Grand Ole Opry twice; once on a date and once with my mom. Both performances were fantastic and I can't wait to share the details. We had a huge Christmas event in Clifton that could rival Rockefeller Center, so I will do some Christmas-related posts soon too.
First things first, I re-vamped the site to make it a little easier to read and little less girly. The dandelions weren't really doing it for me, I like this version much better! To start the year, I will be doing a few posts with photos from the last few months. Mike and I went to the Grand Ole Opry twice; once on a date and once with my mom. Both performances were fantastic and I can't wait to share the details. We had a huge Christmas event in Clifton that could rival Rockefeller Center, so I will do some Christmas-related posts soon too.
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