Okay, I'm obviously still catching up on the weekly updates - sue me! I think I'll just have to stop trying to take pictures in the same dress and just wear whatever work clothes I throw on that morning. I can't convince myself to get dressed more than once a day... it wastes so much energy.
How far along? Ten weeeeeks!
Total weight gain/loss: weighed in at the doctor's office... I'm down 2.5 more pounds, putting me at a total of -5lbs. Pregnancy nausea is the best diet I've ever been on, haha! Disclaimer: it's totally normal at this stage to not be gaining weight. Trust me, I'll put on a bunch in the 2nd trimester!
Maternity clothes? Not yet, but I'm gravitating toward the larger pants in my closet these days.
Sleep: Still sleeping really well, minus a few nightly bathroom breaks.
Best moment this week: Hearing the heartbeat at my appointment! It's slowing down (also totally normal) and my nurse estimated it's at about 166ish
Worst Symptom this Week: Fatigue beats nausea this week. Also the cramps that come with a growing uterus - not cool, ladyparts!
Have you told family and friends: I told my grandparents over the weekend and then posted on the blog (obviously) and on Facebook. It was so heartwarming to receive so many well wishes, thank you all!
Miss Anything? Not this week!
Movement: Nope - can't wait though :)
Baby is the size of a:
Food cravings: I browse Pinterest and drool over the food pictures, but my belly revolts at the thought of actually ingesting anything but crackers and plain pasta.
Anything making you queasy or sick: I'm steering clear of anything that might induce the gag reflex. I'm queasy but haven't gotten sick this week!
Have you started to show yet: Nope, still just fat/bloat
Gender prediction: I started having a feeling in my gut that it's going to be a girl because we keep saying we want a boy. Either way, Mike's going to teach it how to throw a curveball.
Bump Nickname: I'm still pretty stuck on Little Nugget. Also, of course, McBaby
Belly Button in or out? Why do I even answer this question, my bb won't pop for like, 20 more weeks.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So unbelievably happy that it's not a dream. There's really a baby in there and it's totally on track.
Looking forward to: A relaxing no-travel weekend at home. We're headed to KY for 4th of July so I'm resting up now!
How far along? Eleven weeks
Total weight gain/loss: Didn't weigh myself this week. I'm pretty sure I haven't gained anything though.
Maternity clothes? I wear a lot of comfy jersey dresses (thanks, $10 Old Navy sale!)
Sleep: I'm still sleeping like a champion.
Best moment this week: Watching fireworks at the Reds game to usher in our 5 year anniversary - can't believe there will be three of us celebrating the Fourth of July next year!
Worst Symptom this Week: Acne. I look terrible. My fourteen year old self would be horrified by my pimply face.
Have you told family and friends: Everybody knows! (I'm going to replace this with something else next week)
Miss Anything? I know I sound like a broken record over here, but I really miss having the energy to do things around the house. Our house is a MESS - and my vacuum misses me!
Movement: Nothing yet, but I'm told it will start in the next few weeks - so weird!
Baby is the size of a: Lime!
Food cravings: Not craving anything, but the nausea seems to have subsided for now. I'm cautiously optimistic that it will go away in the 2nd trimester.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Just long car rides!
Have you started to show yet: I mean, you can tell I'm pregnant because I've given up on sucking in my gut, but it's still too early to show.
Gender prediction: if you can believe it, I've started entertaining the idea that it might be a girl. Mike doesn't know this yet.
Bump Nickname: Nothing special this week other than the usual.
Belly Button in or out? No but (TMI?) it's itchy. Is that weird? Probably just my skin stretching.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Lord have mercy, I had a major hormonal meltdown on Friday and yelled at Mike in a car dealership (had to get the Jeepy inspected for another recall - geez!)
Looking forward to: The second trimester. And lunch this weekend with my friends Mitch and Terra who just had their baby in May - I'm dying to meet McBaby's future BFF!
How far along? TWELVE weeks. Where has the time gone?!
Total weight gain/loss: Still at a total of -5lbs. No gain this week, but I have been eating better/more!
Maternity clothes? OMG I bought some maternity shirts at the GAP outlet and wore one this week. It is so comfortable!
Sleep: I feel like I never get enough
Best moment this week:
Worst Symptom this Week: LOWER BACK PAIN. Thanks, tilted uterus!
Buy anything for the nursery? I bought a few little onesies - they're mostly boy colors, but I plan to jazz them up with ruffles or headbands if it turns out to be a little Miss! (P.S. I replaced the "Have you told friends and family yet" with this one - seems like it will have a longer run!)
Miss Anything? Not this week!
Movement: not yet /sadface/
Baby is the size of a: Plum. Whoa.
Food cravings: Cheese! I just can't get enough
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, my nausea seems to have subsided as I glide into the 2nd trimester... I cannot express how amazing it feels!
Have you started to show yet: Not officially, but my pants are starting to fit differently. I think the bump is beginning to grow!
Gender prediction: I actually admitted to Mike that I wouldn't be entirely upset if it was girl. His response: "No girls allowed!"
Bump Nickname: Little Chickie has made a resurgence this week :)
Belly Button in or out? Still in, still itchy!
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.
Looking forward to: Finally feeling better and just dying to see McBaby again at our next appointment at the end of July!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Thankfully, my nausea seems to have subsided as I glide into the 2nd trimester... I cannot express how amazing it feels!
Have you started to show yet: Not officially, but my pants are starting to fit differently. I think the bump is beginning to grow!
Gender prediction: I actually admitted to Mike that I wouldn't be entirely upset if it was girl. His response: "No girls allowed!"
Bump Nickname: Little Chickie has made a resurgence this week :)
Belly Button in or out? Still in, still itchy!
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy.
Looking forward to: Finally feeling better and just dying to see McBaby again at our next appointment at the end of July!
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