Twenty Weeks: Half-baked!
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Well, another week has passed and I'm back again. We are officially at the halfway point - I cannot believe time has flown by this quickly. Before we know it, she will be here and I'll be obsessively posting pictures of her sleeping every 5 minutes. I'm sure you all just can't wait for that ;)
How far along? 20 weeks down, 20 more to go!
Total weight gain/loss: I haven't weighed myself since my last appointment. I'll guess that I've gained a few pounds this week, but I'll have a more official number after tomorrow.
Maternity clothes? My non-tall, non-maternity shirts are definitely starting to get too short - Mike caught me with my belly peeking out the bottom of a t-shirt on NFL Sunday!
Sleep: A bit better than last week, lots of getting up to pee in the middle of the night.
Best moment this week: Well, we had the Clifton music festival this week and it was exhausting. Our best moment was Sunday - our one day off. We took a 4 hour nap, watched football and lazed around the house before going back to bed at 9pm.
Worst Symptom this Week: I'm back to being really tired. My whole body is just achy and tired all the time, I think baby is going through a growth spurt.
Buy anything for the nursery? Got a few long-sleeve newborn and 0-3 month undershirt onesies with little mitten cuffs for her tiny little hands! SO CUTE.
Miss Anything? Not really. I miss not being constantly worried about this little girl. Everything has gone so smoothly so far, but knowing that I'm solely responsible for keeping this tiny thing alive is really weighing on me this week. No one ever warns you about how scary pregnancy can be!
Movement: I think I'm starting to feel her - she definitely kicked me during the Joe Diffie concert this weekend because I got too close to the speaker and she was jiggling around in there. She's not a fan of the Joe, Joe, Joe Diffie ;)
Baby is the size of a: Pomegranate!
Food cravings: I've been really good so far about cravings. I did get a small hankering for some cupcakes this week, but didn't cave because 1) I'm snobby about them after working near a legit cupcakery in DC and 2) I'm really trying to not get gestational diabetes so I've limited my sugar intake.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I can't eat the same portion size as before, I think she's starting to rearrange my organs as she grows. If I eat too much I feel like I'm going to explode, but I'm not nauseous.
How pregnant do you feel right now? I am so happily pregnant right now. The bump is practically the perfect size, I love how I look and I generally feel great. (I can't wait to look back at this and think how tiny I was!)
Predictions for Baby's attributes: I hope she inherits our sense of humor and Mike's infectious laugh.
Bump Nickname: I've been obsessively saying "Liiiittle Giiiirl" and rubbing my belly. I don't know how it started, and it's probably super annoying, but I love it.
Belly Button in or out? Still in!
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time, with bouts of absolute terror thrown in. Maybe it's the hormones!
Looking forward to: We have her in-depth anatomy scan tomorrow. Hoping to get a healthy report from the doctor after we get to see her brain, heart chambers, fingers, toes and everything in between!
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