Someone get this baby a cup of milk for "cheers!" She's 21!
Weight: 24 pounds, 8 ounces
Height: 31.75 inches
Sleeping: She has been sleeping really well lately! When she starts getting tired or one of us mentions going to bed, she puts her little hands together and tucks them under her chin. I have exactly zero clue where she learned it, but it's a-freaking-dorable and I hope it never stops.
Eating: I need to buy stock in clementines and Publix Cinnamon Applesauce pouches. She literally begs for them. Oh, and white cheddar popcorn. Because she's her mama's daughter!
Favorite Things
Fish, obviously. I'm not sure why or how she is still so obsessed with fish, but I'm in full support. Fish are friends! Mike had to be in Chattanooga for a class to finish his Certified Economic Developer program (so proud!) and I brought Blair along so we could go to the Tennessee Aquarium. I'll do a separate post with more pictures, but between the Seattle Aquarium last month and this little trip, I feel like I should be scouting out every PetsMart location in Middle Tennessee for weekly (and free!) fish-viewing experiences. Tiny marine biologist in the making.
Shoes. She brings us our shoes constantly, exclaiming "Shews!" and gets very excited about shoe commercials on TV. She has a particular affinity for her little rain boots, especially when I turn her loose at the park and let her splash in the river with them on.
Little City Manager. She loves visiting Mike's office and asks at least three times a day if it's time to "go byebye, see dada?" She likes to click on his computer, try to talk on the phone, work on the budget with her calculator and find treasures on his desk. She also runs up to his desk clock and points to our wedding picture, saying, "Mama, there!" and "Dada!"
Least Favorite Things
Being told she is not allowed to have more than two oranges in a day. And she really hated the Spookley the Pumpkin special on Disney Jr. Cried for the first 10 minutes that it wasn't Mickey Mouse. Oh, and she totally has the RBF down pat.
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Sassafras. |
- I finally caved and bought her separate shampoo and conditioner now that her hair is getting so long and curly. Mike does bath time and is less-than-impressed with all the trouble that comes with being a lady and having more than a couple inches of hair, but it's really made a difference! I can't stop myself from twirling her soft little curlies in my fingers (when she sits still enough to let me) and I'm in awe of how much hair she has compared to how bald she was at the beginning of this year!
- She now understands and can answer questions like, "where is dada's chin?" or "where are mama's eyes?" and "where's the baby's toes?" It's so funny to quiz her because she gets so excited. She knows eyes, ears, hair, nose, chin, cheeks, toes, fingers and tail (when identifying said body parts on her peesh, of course!)
- She officially knows when she has a dirty diaper and asks us to change it by saying "eww" and pointing to it. I'm not ready for potty training yet, Blair, SLOW DOWN!
New Words
- "shucks" (socks), "upkeh" (pumpkin), "cah" (car - thanks, NASCAR), "peas" (please)
- She's mostly using her old words and phrases to string together sentences like "Where is shoes?" and "Bye, doll!" and "Go byebye, see peesh?" which blows my mind every time she does it because I'm a total sap and can't believe she's old enough to start sounding like a person.
- Her new thing is to put a lot of emphasis on the word "you" when she says "thank you." It's like "thank YOU!" in a high-pitch, squeaky voice. It is one of my new favorite things and makes me laugh every time.
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