Mike had to take one last class for his Certified Economic Developer program and since it was in Chattanooga, I decided to take advantage of my flexible schedule and bring Blair along so we could visit the Tennessee Aquarium and the Creative Discovery Museum!
The Toddler Does Chattanooga
Monday, October 26, 2015
Mike had to take one last class for his Certified Economic Developer program and since it was in Chattanooga, I decided to take advantage of my flexible schedule and bring Blair along so we could visit the Tennessee Aquarium and the Creative Discovery Museum!
A visit from Poppie
Friday, October 23, 2015
In keeping with our busy little October, my dad come down to visit for a long weekend! We took advantage of the gorgeous fall weather by playing in the leaves, going to the wooden castle park near our house, carving pumpkins and splashing in the Harpeth River.
Festive fun at Gentry's Farm
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Seattle: Part Two
Saturday, October 17, 2015
I'll continue my photo barrage from our trip to Seattle, starting with Monday's explorations! Mom had to work on Monday (boo!), so Blair and I walked to the Seattle Aquarium to see the "peesh." She was in heaven. The Seattle Aquarium is the perfect size - it's small, but engaging and perfect for little ones with short attention spans. They even had a Toddler Time program set up with tons of activities for the littlest visitors, and Blair played with sea-animal puzzles, painted a fish masterpiece, smashed play-doh and colored pictures with some new friends. It was delightful - we could have stayed all day, but she was getting cranky and fell asleep in the stroller on the walk back to the hotel.
Seattle: Part One
Friday, October 16, 2015
Mike's annual city manager conference was in Seattle, Washington, this year, so Blair and I decided to tag along and make a family trip out of it! I figured it was a great opportunity for us to travel to the West Coast, especially since any plans for expanding our family in the future will limit our/my ability to make big plane trips like that. Mike booked his flight to arrive late Friday night in time for a Saturday conference session, while Blair and I would follow on Saturday morning.
Pumpkin Carving with MeeMaw
Thursday, October 1, 2015

My mom really wanted to carve a pumpkin with Blair during her visit, so we picked up a big ol' pumpkin and let the two of them have-at-it in the front yard. Blair was intrigued by the pumpkin's mushy insides and loved spooning the goop out of (and back into) it! I got to sit back and watch the two of them interact. It is the sweetest thing to see your child have so much love for your mom... I love that they have such a close bond already!
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