I can't believe I only have four more of these updates until she's TWO. I'll probably stop doing monthly updates and just switch to every 3 or 6 months. I don't need to track through her 36th month of life, right? #crazylady
Weight: 24 pounds, 6ounces
Height: 31.5 inches
Sleeping: We've had several wake-ups recently due to some molars bothering her. They're certainly not ready to pop yet and seem to have receded back so I'm sure we'll run into issues over the next few months as those suckers come through. She's also started taking a later nap, usually between 12-2, sometimes even up to 2:30/3 if I'm lucky!
Eating: She is obsessed with oranges! Begs me to peel them for her so she can dribble the juice down her chin onto whatever she's wearing that day. It's a mess, but hey - at least it's healthy!
Favorite Things
Playing with baby dolls - I noticed that she would only point to light-skinned babies in books and say "baby!" and if I asked "what's this?" pointing to an African-American baby, she would look at me funny. So in a rather Millennial move, I bought her some racially diverse baby dolls and it seems to have solved the confusion. She loves them, wraps them in blankets and feeds them a fake "cuk" of milk. See also, the babies have an adorable stroller. Because how else does a little mama of multiples get around?
"Ball!"- She is a huge fan of both baseball and football, and has taken to yelling "Yaay! Ball! Go!" whenever it's on TV. She knows "Touchdown!" (puts her hand ups) and she claps when the announcers voices get excited about big plays. It's hysterical to watch her become a little football fan!
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This is her game face! |
Stickers, crayons and magnets - She really enjoys snapping crayons in half, so that's super fun. But she draws little scribbles and loves taking the crayons out and putting them back in the box. I bought a few reusable sticker sets for her to play with while I'm working and she just loves them. Especially the puffy stickers because they're easier for her to get off the sheet independently. It's also barrels of fun to move her animal magnets from the fridge to the garage door and back again. Her favorite is the "peesh," of course!
Least Favorite Things
Keeping her feet on the floor, because climbing on everything is AWESOME, and being restrained in a high chair for more than 10 minutes.
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Look at all that sass! |
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She's a future gymnast - climbs and balances on everything! |
- We are about to take our last plane travel trip of the year. So she will have taken 7 round trips (14 separate flights) and hit 12 states before her 2nd birthday. And most of those were travel alone with Mama, who is pretty proud of our smooth travel success!
- All the 12M pants are put away for future siblings. Most of the 18M ones still need to be cuffed and are quite roomy in the waist, but it was time to move on. We're also finishing up one more box of size 4 diapers and then she'll be in a size 5!
- I can't believe how much of her "baby" look is gone and how much she just looks like a tiny person. It's both incredibly rewarding, watching her grow into such an incredible little person, and also a little bittersweet. I may or may not be struggling with the baby fever now that she's nearing her 2nd birthday!
New Words:
"ware it go?" (Where did it go?) answered by "Dare!" (there!), "mooh" (moon, complete with pointing), "Woooooow!" (wow, but very exaggerated), "YAAAAY!" (yay, but at like, the loudest voice possible), "Mumah" (MeeMaw), "BYE! See ooooh" (bye! see you!), "foup" (mouth), "toos" (toes)
New Words:
"ware it go?" (Where did it go?) answered by "Dare!" (there!), "mooh" (moon, complete with pointing), "Woooooow!" (wow, but very exaggerated), "YAAAAY!" (yay, but at like, the loudest voice possible), "Mumah" (MeeMaw), "BYE! See ooooh" (bye! see you!), "foup" (mouth), "toos" (toes)
We are so excited that the cooler weather is here and the leaves are falling - I think one of her favorite things next month with be crunching and ripping apart dead leaves!
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