I always get excited about the Christmas season, but this year was extra special because it was Blair's first Christmas! It was a quiet, relaxing respite in between visitors and we took our sweet time opening gifts, eating delicious food and enjoying time as a little family of three.
Eleven Months
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Blair is just one month from being ONE (ohmygawd) and she's just the cutest, jolliest little thing. She had a great time taking pictures with this little tree for our Christmas card earlier this month - I can't believe it's already her first Christmas!
Christmas in Leiper's Fork
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
We drove up to Kentucky for Thanksgiving with the McClanahans and Blair had so much fun playing with all of her cousins. She really liked playing with the buttons on her little turkey dress and trying to show off her belly. She met Cousin F and Cousin H, who are actually Mike's cousins, and they all hit it off right away. Mike even attempted to recreate the story of Thanksgiving by forcing poor C into a paper bag costume... bless his heart.
Ten Months
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
Ten-month old Blair is a happy, clapping, climbing, busy little bee. She loves pulling up on everything in sight, testing her ability to walk between pieces of furniture and giving me heart attacks every 20 minutes. She's got four teeth that she likes to show off with a big drooly smile and spurts of wispy hair growing longer on her little blond head!
Monday, November 3, 2014
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The King is in the building! |
Mike had a conference in Gatlinburg, Tennessee the week of Halloween, so we made plans with his family to rent a house in the mountains and get the kids together for some good quality fun! We threw around several ideas for Blair's first Halloween costume, but when Mike suggested Elvis Presley, we both thought it would be hysterical. A few clicks on the internet later and little Miss B was looking like the King! We even got her a little rock-and-roll guitar toy to complete the look, haha.
Festive Fun at Gentry's Farm
Sunday, October 12, 2014
We took Blair to her first pumpkin patch and it was a roaring success! She loved patting the pumpkins, picking out her own little one to take home, and waving "hi!" at all the big kids. Gentry's Farm in Franklin, Tennessee will definitely be a tradition for us, it was such an adorable place and had so many fun activities for all ages.
Eight Months
Thursday, September 25, 2014
This spunky little spirit is eight months old already. Her personality is just the best, she is so much fun these days and her chubby face is so expressive!
Seven Months
Monday, August 25, 2014
Seven months and she's had a couple of weeks where she just wants to be extra close to Mama. Thank goodness for my mesh Baby K'Tan carrier because the Southern summer heat + a clingy baby equals a lot of sweat! Blair is growing so much and is so strong. She stands up so well if we hold her hands, I can't even believe it, but I think she's going to be an early walker!
Baby's First Baseball Game
Saturday, August 16, 2014
It is entirely possible that we're completely crazy, but we decided to take Blair to two Braves games in mid-August because... well... why not take a six-month old to a baseball game and post-game Weezer concert?
Breckenridge, Colorado
Thursday, August 14, 2014
Our annual Murphlanaroux family vacation was in Breckenridge, Colorado this year and it was Blair's first time traveling out West. She loved the cool mountain air, exploring in the woods, checking out downtown Breck and playing with her aunties and uncle and Poppie!
Six Months
Friday, July 25, 2014
Blair is officially half-way to ONE and growing leaps and bounds! She just loves to sit up on her own and read books, especially this page with the fuzzy little sheep. She had her first solid foods recently, trying avocado, banana, and some homemade teething biscuits made with apple puree, mashed banana and oatmeal!
Sunday, July 13, 2014
We went up to Kentucky for a quick weekend trip to meet Blair's baby cousin C, who is just three months younger than her! Blair really liked trying to hold C's hand and had me on the edge of my seat waiting for her to roll on top of (and probably squish) little C! It will be so fun to watch these two grow up together.
Fourth of July
Friday, July 4, 2014
We spent Fourth of July in Clifton, celebrating with the city's first downtown fireworks and music event! Blair had a blast listening to the bands and even
Five Months
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Our little sprout is having some reflux flare ups, so the pediatrician suggested we try some oatmeal between feedings to help the milk stay in her belly. We tried it for the first time recently and even though Blair seemed to like it, I'm still planning to hold off until six months before trying solid foods. At least we know she loves sitting in her high chair!
Four Months
Sunday, May 25, 2014
Blair is getting so big - she's still quite the little peanut, but finally in all 3M clothes! So she can wear all the cute things now, like her first pair of "jeggings" haha. They're so soft and comfortable, I wish I could find some in my size... or look half as cute as she does in hers!
Three Months
Friday, April 25, 2014
Three months already? A quarter of a year old? 12 weeks?!
This chubby little cue-ball needs to slow her roll.
Easter 2014
Monday, April 21, 2014
Blair's First Easter was really laid back and a lot of fun - Mom and Aunt Ro came into town to play with our growing little girl and celebrate the holiday! Blair got her first Lilly Pulitzer dress from her Gigi and looked absolutely adorable in it! She had a couple of outfit changes during the day because of the reflux spit-up (fun times!) but she's spoiled and there was no shortage of cute things to wear!
Happy Easter!
Sunday, April 20, 2014
It's Blair's first Easter and she made out like a bandit in the jellybean department! I'll post again soon about her weekend with Aunt Ro and MeeMaw, but for now, here's this little gem ;)
Back Porch Gossip
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Call me stupid, but I just figured out how to post a video on here. I really wanted to share some of the smiles and chatter we've been receiving from the little lady. Blair and I were hanging out on the back porch one afternoon, enjoying the 75* weather and light breeze, and she was telling me all kinds of stories! Her little voice is just the sweetest thing! I can't believe how much she's grown in just 2 months. Stop making me cry, time!
Blair's Nursery
Wednesday, April 2, 2014
Now that Blair is sleeping in her nursery every night, it's probably time that I shared pictures of her room! As soon as we found out we were pregnant my Pinterest board was blowing up with ideas. I absolutely LOVE how it turned out and I really enjoyed setting everything up for her. I think what I like most about the room is that it's not overtly a "baby" room. It's definitely a space that will grow with her!
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DaVinci Jayden Dresser, Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair Glass Apothecary Jars - Hobby Lobby |
Two Months!
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Well, little Blair is growing like a weed and her personality is really starting to shine! She is smiling A LOT now and just starting to find her little voice. She'll be talking up a storm pretty soon, I can tell - and we'll never have another quiet moment ever again haha!
Tummy Time!
Friday, March 21, 2014
Blair is getting so strong and although she haaates tummy time, she loves picking up her head to look out the window in our guest room. So I grabbed my camera to snap a few photos of her *not* crying during exercise time and I even snagged a smile!
Blair's Hospital Sleepover Party
Sunday, March 16, 2014
One Month!
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
Obviously, I'll be doing monthly updates on B's growth, milestones, and (of course!) photos.
Blair Catherine: A Birth Story
Monday, February 3, 2014
Before you were born, I loved you.
Before you were an hour old, I would die for you.
This is the miracle of LOVE.
--Maureen Hawkins
I could search a thousand years for the right words to describe how our entire world has expanded and changed with the arrival of our sweet baby girl. Instead, I'll just write you a story about the day this little nugget went from bumps and kicks in my belly to the center of our universe.
39 & 40 Weeks: Still Pregnant
Monday, January 20, 2014
Yep. Still pregnant.
Apparently, my doctor has been operating off of my original January 18 due date, which means I actually passed 40 weeks (full term) on Saturday instead of tomorrow, the 21st. Little girl has shown no sign of moving out, which is a little frustrating, but I'm hanging in there.
We go back to the doctor tomorrow, Tuesday, for an ultrasound to check on McBaby's growth and then we'll probably talk induction dates. My doctor has said she won't let me go past 41 weeks, which would be this Saturday, so I think it's safe to say that little McBaby should make her appearance or be forcefully evicted from her comfy little home sometime this week! AHH!
Sooo, here's my 39 week update and an abbreviated 40 week update to complete the process. Hopefully, my next update is a picture of our little nugget outside my enormous belly!
Apparently, my doctor has been operating off of my original January 18 due date, which means I actually passed 40 weeks (full term) on Saturday instead of tomorrow, the 21st. Little girl has shown no sign of moving out, which is a little frustrating, but I'm hanging in there.
We go back to the doctor tomorrow, Tuesday, for an ultrasound to check on McBaby's growth and then we'll probably talk induction dates. My doctor has said she won't let me go past 41 weeks, which would be this Saturday, so I think it's safe to say that little McBaby should make her appearance or be forcefully evicted from her comfy little home sometime this week! AHH!
Sooo, here's my 39 week update and an abbreviated 40 week update to complete the process. Hopefully, my next update is a picture of our little nugget outside my enormous belly!
Thirty-Eight weeks
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Soo, at our appointment last Wednesday, my doctor said I could literally go into labor at any time and half-expected me to not make my upcoming Wednesday appointment (as in, tomorrow). So, in the spirit of "moving things along" Mike and I cleaned the entire house, packed up our hospital bags, and caught up on work stuff this weekend/week. I have officially ended my job with the newspaper and trained my replacement as best I could. I cannot believe we've made it to this point - it feels like just yesterday (and sometimes 10 years ago!) that I announced we were expecting this little lady.
I'm dying to see her little chubby face!
I'm dying to see her little chubby face!
Thirty-Seven weeks
Tuesday, January 7, 2014
Technically I'm at 38 weeks today (TWO WEEKS LEFT!!) but here's the check-in for this past week! Note: as I am writing this, I'm watching McBaby wiggle her butt from one side of my belly to the other haha!
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