So, it's been a little while since I posted, sorry! I'd like to say that I'm super busy, but really, I've kind of just been taking time to relax, unpack, and get used to being unemployed. If you follow me on Facebook, you know that I have been baking and cooking quite a bit... lots of "made from scratch" meals up in here. So different from Fairfax, I think I cooked twice in that little apartment kitchen (not counting freezer pizza - we lived on that stuff!) Here I'm baking bread, making sugar cookie bars (miserable Pinterest fail though), lasagna rollups, French dip sandwiches, and homemade pizza. It's fun, the weekly menu keeps me busy :)
First of all, here's an update on the little birdies in the backyard. Sadly, I spotted a few of the neighbor's kitties back there, and I think they got one of the babies. :( Happily though, the one we have left is a cute little dude who has left the nest and hangs out in the bushes by the house. He's gotten many more feathers (he's a little less ugly than earlier in the week) and chirps the day away. I like listening to him sing while I'm in the kitchen baking... It makes me feel like Snow White!
Here are some pictures of the little dude:
Okay, enough about the baby bird.
Next order of business is that Mike was the subject of an article in the county paper announcing his new position with the City. Exciting! The paper is only available in print (the online version hasn't been updated since April) but I took two photos to show you what it looked like!
And now for the main event! Mike and I (on the one day that it didn't rain) walked down to the Clifton City Park, which houses two Civil War cannons and is a stop on the Tennessee Civil War Trail. Incidently, the sunsets in Clifton are gorgeous. There aren't many words that can describe how peaceful and pretty the evenings are around here, so I'll let the pictures do the talking. Tomorrow, I'll blog about our Saturday day trip to Franklin, Tennessee!
Dippin' his feet in :)
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