Baby Fiona is a hippo at the Cincinnati Zoo that was born premature. The entire region was captivated by the 29lb hippo baby, and everyone waited with baited breath to see her. We visited the zoo in a attempt to catch a glimpse of the little lady, but alas - she wasn't in her exhibit that morning. It was still a great day with the family!
Camp McClanahan | KINCAID LAKE
Monday, June 5, 2017
We had an absolute blast celebrating Mike's Dad's birthday in Kentucky at Kincaid Lake State Park.
The Golden Hour Season
Thursday, May 25, 2017
Late spring, early summer is one of my favorite times of the year - especially for photography! The longer days lead to pleasant evenings spent watching the sun go down in the front yard, soaking up the warm light and glow of the Golden Hour.
Ballerina's Big Night
Saturday, May 20, 2017
A star has been born. Our little prima danced in her first ballet recital this weekend and hasn't stopped talking about "the big stage" since. We are so proud of her for being brave in front of a room full of people and for doing her best and having a blast with her friends!
A Mother's Love
Tuesday, May 16, 2017
Mother's Day always gets me feeling sappier than usual, and this year is no exception. I am beyond lucky to have become a mama, especially to such an incredible little person. I was recently inspired by a Moms in the Picture challenge by Pretty Presets, and I took this series of photos to capture the everyday, unscripted, unposed, barely-showered, reality that is motherhood. Snuggles on the couch and making mac & cheese are two of our favorite things to do together.
Light It Up
Saturday, May 13, 2017
It's starting to feel like summer around here (thanks, The South!), and we decided to spruce up our deck with a little summertime vibe! I snagged some gorgeous string lights off of Amazon (of course), and used some shepherd hooks that have been lying around the deck since we moved in... two years ago! Whooooops.
Three & One Quarter
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
Well, we're already three months into Blair's fourth year and her sparkling personality shines brighter every day. She's truly blossomed from "baby" to "kid," complete with imaginative stories, endless performances, and dramatics worthy of an Oscar. *wink*
Easter Morning
Monday, April 24, 2017
The dandelions and flowers were in bloom on Easter morning, so I shuffled Blair outside for a little mini shoot before her dress would inevitably get covered in chocolate bunnies.
Thursday, April 20, 2017
Easter this year was a whirlwind of toddlers - all the kiddos can walk/run now and the egg hunt was a hilarious free-for-all. It was so fun to watch them all together, tearing into the baskets and helping each other find their assigned egg colors. They've all grown so much since last year!
Spring is here!
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Longer sunlight hours and warmer weather is upon us, which means evenings spent outside after work, soaking up the day's last rays. Blair is in love with all the dandelion puffs and "flowers" in our weedy front yard. It's so lovely to enjoy the golden hour outside again!
Azaleas in Bloom
Friday, March 31, 2017
It's that time of the year again - our azalea bush is back in bloom! I love that we've been in our house for three springs now, and can compare how much our little flower girl has grown since last year. This bush makes me smile every day as we pull into the driveway after work - those little pink buds are just so cheery!
The Belle Obsession
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Toddlers can be fickle about food, clothes, sleep... things can change at the drop of a hat. But Blair's obsession with Beauty & the Beast is strong and deep right now. It started with watching the original, and then the Christmas movie, and has only grown with the release of the live-action version. The Belle dress she got for her birthday has been in heavy rotation, and she loves wearing it outside to dance in the grass and sing songs from the movie. It's truly magical to watch her love something so much.
Winter's Last Stand
Sunday, March 12, 2017
So last week it was 70-degrees and all the daffodils popped out of the ground. This weekend, we got one last dusting of snow to throw everyone for a loop. Blair was thrilled with winter's last stand, as it gave her another opportunity to catch snowflakes on her tongue and build a snowman. She was so excited, in fact, that she ran out onto the porch in just her pajamas and boots until I finally convinced her to throw on a hat and gloves.
Backyard Exploration
Sunday, February 12, 2017
This winter has been so warm that I'm dreading the bug situation in a few months, but it has been nice to get outside so often! Blair and I took advantage of a warm, spring-like Saturday for an exploratory romp through the backyard. I don't let her spend a lot of unsupervised time back there because we've consistently found snakes milling about, but I figured February was safe enough... but you know I was eyeing up every twig on the ground like it was gonna get us, haha.
Wednesday, January 25, 2017
"Today you are you,
that is truer than true.
There is no one alive
that is youer than you!"
- Dr. Suess
Blair's Big Girl Room
Monday, January 23, 2017
The toddler bed was getting too small for our growing girl - she started waking up in the middle of the night crying because she'd get stuck in an uncomfortable position and wind up in our bed. She'd point to it and say "too small, I'm too big for that!" so we decided to make her a Big Girl room for her birthday.
Snowy Day
Sunday, January 8, 2017
It's rare that we get accumulating snow down here in the South, so even though you could see the grass poking up through the dusting, we took full advantage of an early dismissal from work and school to PLAY.
New Year's Eve
Sunday, January 1, 2017

We had a cozy night in for New Year's Eve, since I am still recovering from my gallbladder surgery, but we rang in the New Year with a little homemade fun - a photobooth! Blair insisted that she would stay up late to watch "the big ball," so we kept busy posing with all the props and playing with the remote shutter on my camera. Mike grilled some amazing steaks for us and we celebrated with lots of hugs and kisses when Blair made it to 11:00PM CST to watch the live broadcast of Times Square. Here's to 2017 - can't wait to see what's in store for us!
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